
Schoolzone reviews are completely independent and written by our panel of experienced teachers.

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now>press>play review by Anthony

Date: 07.07.2022

There are different time periods covered but it would be useful to have more than one experience from the time period.The content is engaging but an experience targeted at lower and upper key stage 2 would be good....


now>press>play review by History teacher

Date: 07.07.2022

Links to most topics in the national curriculum. Doesn’t quite always match the coverage that we have in your chosen scheme ...


Discovery Espresso review by Jason S

Date: 07.07.2022

Lots of variety within the content, easy access and the children enjoy the content presentation, which is updated regularly....


Historical Association review by Christian

Date: 07.07.2022

Good variety of resources and topics ...


Historical Association review by Jill

Date: 07.07.2022

Has some great ideas and the planning is sound...


Discovery Espresso review by Dalia S

Date: 07.07.2022

Well resourced for LKS2 with videos, tasks etc. Room for growth for UKS2 with activities that are more challenging. ...


Britannica School review by Jo N

Date: 07.07.2022

Weakness is that sometimes it doesn''t engage the children at all, main strengths it bite size chunks so the children aren''t overwhelmed ...


Britannica School review by Katy F

Date: 07.07.2022

Good basic knowledge at an accessible level, easy to navigate and many key areas are able to be found....


Purple Mash review by Andrea Frith

Date: 07.07.2022

Good range of engaging resources...


Historical Association review by Melanie

Date: 07.07.2022

It provides good content. ...


Discovery Espresso review by Mel B

Date: 07.07.2022

Good video resources and things like quizzes for independent use. Some of the print off resources are unecessary as it is better to have all resources completable online....


Discovery Espresso review by Nicola S

Date: 07.07.2022

It is visual and linked to he National Curriculum. The images are attractive and child friendly. It is targeted at different age groups in an age appropriate way....


Discovery Espresso review by Richard W

Date: 07.07.2022

Excellent videos which bring a topic to life. The website is well organised too. I like how each key stage is well laid out too. ...


Historical Association review by Gary

Date: 30.04.2022

A useful well thought resource...


Historical Association review by Ian

Date: 30.04.2022

A wide range of excellent resources is provided with broad coverage....