
Schoolzone's research team are ex-teachers, school leaders, mathematicians and research scientists - and all are members of the Market Research Society. Schoolzone is an MRS Company Partner.

Read some brief case studies of the kinds of work we do.


Our panel

Quantitative research

Backed by over 25 years in market research and the biggest teacher research panel in the UK, reaching well over 100,000 each of: UK teachers, UK lecturers and international school teachers. We conduct hundreds of online surveys in education every year: ask us for guidance on the best approach - we know all of them!


Qualitative research

Every year we talk to hundreds of teachers via focus groups, interviews, school visits, research forums, workshops, vistor experiences - and many other means. We know what to ask, of whom, and how. Our in-depth profiling means we can target the most appropriate members of our panel: UK teachers, lecturers and international schools. 


Data and desk research

We keep a keen eye on all the education research that's going on. Our Educational Intelligence service gathers, updates and analyses all the data out there - we understand it completely and will help you target market segments or conduct your own research. It's the msot comprenesive data set available - and pre-analysed with key metrics to save you the heartache.

Enquiries: or 01242 350 884