Talk to teachers via Schoolzone
Market research
Schoolzone is the UK’s education-focused market research specialist and we're MRS Company Partners. For over 25 years, we’ve been working with teachers and lecturers to answer questions on behalf of clients and we’ve worked with most of the leading publishers, awarding bodies, charities, museums, management consultants, service providers - anyone with an interest in our schools and universities.
We have the UK’s largest dedicated research panel (fully GDPR compliant), with detailed profiling, allowing us to add detail via schools data. We have a strong international reach too. Our offerings run from full service (design to recommendations) or any part of the service. We can arrange visits, reviews, interviews, panels – just ask: we can almost certainly manage it for you: 01242 350 884
Read some brief case studies of the kinds of work we do.
Marketing to schools
If you simply need to get a message to teachers or lecturers – try ours: they’re loyal (some have been with us for over 25 years) because we help them professionally and only advertise products and services that we know will be of interest.
Advertise via email to our members – we can build them for you too. Full reporting is available and we can add in schools data too.
Call us on 01242 350 884 or email