Schoolzone | CLPE summary review

CLPE summary review

Date: 03.08.2022

Average star rating: 4.3/5


How well does it match the curriculum?
 •  5* Give good detailed lesson sequences
 •  5* Matches all national curriculum objectives 
 •  4* Particularly strong for poetry with well selected material. 
 •  4* Good NC coverage and interesting ideas 
 •  4* Great range of quality texts to engage all learners 
 •  4* The area for improvement is links to writing 


How well does it support your school’s inclusion/diversity/equal opportunities policy?
 •  5* Recommend a range of books that include the BAME communities. 
 •  5* Includes books that represent the BAME community 
 •  4* Great selection of modern texts 
 •  4* Covers a range of diverse groups 
 •  4* Diverse range of characters and settings 
 •  3* Texts need to be reviewed for greater diversity including LGBTQ+ texts 


How could it be improved to support different learners?
 •  5* Clear differentiation examples are provided in the lesson plans 
 •  5* Clear differentiation is provided with activities 
 •  4* Good differentiation for SEND and HA
 •  2* Additional teacher planning is required for this 
 •  3* Texts are high level


How well does it engage and motivate pupils?
 •  5* Children love the texts recommended 
 •  5* Children love the books suggested for literacy lessons 
 •  4* Love the video resources
 •  4* Pupils enjoy the content 
 •  3* Tasks are engaging
 •  4* Apart from identified gaps in diversity and inclusion topics 


How well does it support planning?
 •  5* Plans premade that you can use or adapt 
 •  5* Plans provided to use or adapt 
 •  4* I tend to cut the plans down to make them fit
 •  4* Good starting place for planning 
 •  4* Some lesson plans are overly complicated and contain too much for one lesson
 •  4* Apart from needing greater clarity in links to writing objectives 



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