White Rose Maths review by Ciaran
Date: 22.04.2022
Review rating:
Nearly 5* but focus on deeper learning due to lost learning during lockdown means it does not fit in with our NTS termly assessments as some modules haven’t been covered during that term esp. spring.
How well does it match the curriculum?
Brilliantly: There is more content (eg support / extension activities) than we expected
Links with gaps due to Covid.
How well does it support your school’s inclusion/diversity/equal opportunities policy?
Well: The content is inclusive and sensitively presented
Resources include a diverse range.
How well does it support differentiation for the full range of the classes you use it with?
Well: A large majority of resources are suitably differentiated for pupils
The idea is that the class works together through the problems. Reasoning and problem solving can be used to stretch at the top. Opportunity to explain reasoning also provides opportunities for HPA pupils.
How well does it engage and motivate pupils?
Brilliantly: Pupils love using and are excited when they know they are going to do so
Resources are well chosen and engaging.
How well supported is it by accompanying formative assessments?
Well: We could (or do) use it for monitoring individual pupil progress
Useful for formative but the focus on deeper learning does not fit in with our NTS termly assessment as modules haven’t been covered.
How well does it support planning?
Brilliantly: It has everything you could need and is straightforward to use with classes
Ideas and slides link to short term and medium term planning.
How well does it support home use / independent learning?
Brilliantly: We’d have very few reservations about using this extensively to support home learning
Can be used at home and was, during lockdown.
How would you rate it for value for money compared to similar resources?
Brilliantly: It’s possibly the best value for money of any similar resources I’ve seen.
Excellent value for money.
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