Purple Mash review by Toby
Date: 26.04.2022Review subject: Computing
Phase: Primary
Reviewer: Toby, Deputy head
- City Free School 183 pupils in Hackney
- Ofsted rating: Good
- FSM: 31.7%
Review rating:
Average rating across all Purple Mash reviews: 4.2/5
I have had PM put into every school I have worked I to support the teaching of the computing curriculum.
How well does it match the curriculum?
Brilliantly: There is more content (eg support / extension activities) than we expected
Lots of good planning, providing resources and assessments.
How well does it support your school’s inclusion/diversity/equal opportunities policy?
Brilliantly: The content stands out as being particularly positive in this regard and would be welcome in any school like mine
Allows all children to participate and they can work in school and at home on projects.
How well does it support differentiation for the full range of the classes you use it with?
Brilliantly: There is a wide enough range of resources to provide a good range of options for all pupils
All children can access the resources and there are different levels of support offered e.g vocab choices or suggestions.
How well does it engage and motivate pupils?
Brilliantly: Pupils love using and are excited when they know they are going to do so
Our children love Purple Mash and will often go home and use it there to do their own projects.
How well supported is it by accompanying formative assessments?
Well: We use it for monitoring individual pupil progress. Works well for us.
How well does it support planning?
Brilliantly: It has everything you could need and is straightforward to use with classes
Detailed lesson plants, PowerPoint provided and videos to demonstrate skills the children will be learning.
How well does it support home use / independent learning?
Brilliantly: We’d have very few reservations about using this extensively to support home learning
We used it throughout lockdown to distribute work, live lessons and create class blogs for sharing opinions and work.
How would you rate it for value for money compared to similar resources?
Brilliantly: It’s possibly the best value for money of any similar resources I’ve seen
Very good value for what you have access to.
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