Schoolzone | Little Wandle review by Sophie

Little Wandle review by Sophie

Date: 19.04.2022

Review subject: Phonics

Phase: Primary

Reviewer: Sophie, Teacher

Reviewer’s school profile:

  • LA maintained school 264 pupils in Hampshire
  • Ofsted rating: Outstanding
  • FSM: 18.6%

Review rating: 


How well does it match the curriculum?

Brilliantly: There is more content (eg support / extension activities) than we expected

The mnemonic and catchphrases really support children who are lower ability to learn the sounds


How well does it support your school’s inclusion/diversity/equal opportunities policy?

Well: The content is inclusive and sensitively presented

If we had enough staff to offer the keep up interventions suggested, it would be brilliant but we struggle to do this consistently due to staffing issues


How well does it support differentiation for the full range of the classes you use it with?

Brilliantly: There is a wide enough range of resources to provide a good range of options for all pupils

The use of visuals and the structure of the lesson supports children of all abilities


How well does it engage and motivate pupils?

Brilliantly: Pupils love using and are excited when they know they are going to do so

My class love the speedy sounds and shuffle time and enjoy reading words


How well supported is it by accompanying formative assessments?

Brilliantly: We could (or do) use it for monitoring pupils or classes, for gap analysis or to inform intervention strategies

Although time consuming, the assessment manager tool is brilliant and offers an in-depth look at where the gaps are and what interventions are needed


How well does it support planning?

Brilliantly: It has everything you could need and is straightforward to use with classes

We follow Little Wandles plans exactly and we just have to resource that day's flash cards


How well does it support home use / independent learning?

Brilliantly: We’d have very few reservations about using this extensively to support home learning

We provided parents with Little Wandle's phase 2 and 3 sounds and catchphrases and parents use this at home


How would you rate it for value for money compared to similar resources?

Brilliantly: It’s possibly the best value for money of any similar resources I’ve seen.

All the resources are provided for every part of the lesson across EYFS and key stage 1. It’s brilliant and saved hours of prep for us making each individual resource


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