Schoolzone | Purple Mash by Catharina

Purple Mash by Catharina

Date: 31.03.2022

Published by 2 Simple Education

  • Reviewer: Catharina
  • Role: Subject coordinator
  • Subjects covered in this review: English


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Overall  rating: 

Average rating across all Purple Mash reviews: 4.3/5


How well does it match the curriculum?

Well: It covers the national curriculum objectives


How well does it support differentiation for the full range of the classes you use it with?

Well: A large majority of resources are suitably differentiated for pupils


How well does it engage and motivate pupils?

Brilliantly: Pupils love using and are excited when they know they are going to do so


How well supported is it by accompanying formative assessments?

Reasonably: There is some formative assessment included, but its usefulness is a bit limited


How well does it support planning?

Well: It’s fairly self-contained and can be used with minimal preparation


How well does it support home use / independent learning?

Well: Pupils could be expected to use this at home or independently, with a minimum amount of support or additional resources


How would you rate it for value for money, compared to similar resources?

Reasonably: It represents about the same value for money as similar resources I’ve seen


Would you recommend it to a colleague in a similar school to yours?

Net promoter score: 9

Purple Mash NPS across all Schoolzone reviews: 


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