Schoolzone | Discovery Espresso review by Dean

Discovery Espresso review by Dean

Date: 26.04.2022

Review subject: Cross-curricular

Phase: Primary

Reviewer: Dean, Subject coordinator

  1. City LA maintained school 214 pupils in Newham
  2. Ofsted rating: Good
  3. FSM: 18.7%


Review rating:

Average rating across all Discovery Espresso reviews: 3.6/5

It has undergone a big overhaul in the last few years but still retains all the ease of use and resources that you would need.


How well does it match the curriculum?

Brilliantly: There is more content (eg support / extension activities) than we expected

There is a multitude of resources for many different areas of the curriculum and it is well set out.


How well does it support your school’s inclusion/diversity/equal opportunities policy?

Well: The content is inclusive and sensitively presented

The content handles situations sensitively with a respect for inclusion and diversity.


How well does it support differentiation for the full range of the classes you use it with?

see above


How well does it engage and motivate pupils?

Well: Pupils generally enjoy using it and tend to welcome doing so

Children enjoy this, many EYFS children love the phonics games and interactive nature of it all


How well supported is it by accompanying formative assessments?

Well: We could (or do) use it for monitoring individual pupil progress

The ability to create your own assessments and customise them is useful.


How well does it support planning?

Brilliantly: It has everything you could need and is straightforward to use with classes

It is very easy and straightforward and easy to use, TAs and teachers use it with ease.


How well does it support home use / independent learning?

Well: Pupils could be expected to use this at home or independently, with a minimum amount of support or additional resources

You are able to assign tasks and resources or use them as prompts for lessons/work


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