Schoolzone | Bedrock Learning summary review

Bedrock Learning summary review

Date: 03.08.2022

Average star rating: 3.0/5


How well does it match the curriculum?
 •  3* Range of key words needed for the subject very strong and can used resourced by the teacher with ease. More mixed ability resources needed and possible more interaction and visual resources for younger students
 •  4* Engaging resource for pupils that does what we want with a strong focus on vocabulary development to support development of better quality writing activities
 •  4* Strengths - it encourages pupils to develop their vocabulary which in a school like ours with lots of EAL, this is really important.  It can be accessed at home too. Weaknesses - you need lots of laptops and headphones each. Some of the data on class attendance which we got back from bedrock had some errors in so it wasn't fully helpful! 
 •  4* Lots of non fiction which other schemes lack so that’s good; human voice good too. Negative is that initially found it hard to use….maybe just me but couldn’t find specific topic that I wanted.
 •  4* A wide range of texts featured - nonfiction and fiction.  Some fiction not very engaging, pupils have said


How could it be improved to support different learners?
 •  3* More visual resources needed for younger students, possibly more clear direction and labelling so students can use software without TA support
 •  4* Staff still need to be familiar with planned activities to match tasks and work appropriately depending on needs and abilities, as such staff would always be keen on resources that come 'pre-packaged' with greater levels of SEN support tasks
 •  4* It isn't really designed for SEND pupils or those working WELL below age related expectations.  For example - our ARP pupils cannot use it when attempting to integrate into the mainstream. 
 •  4* Even more basic for SEN. Covid has made the children really behind, so kids with SEN in reading/writing/spelling  need texts for their age but written a lot more simply. 
 •  4* More regional accents from actors reading the texts.  This would help to engage  the pupils along with make it more accessible for those in the North of England


How well does it engage and motivate pupils?
 •  3* As a teacher it is very easy to access and use within a lesson to support learners - students individually sometimes find it a little more challenging
 •  4* Language rich activities and also development of new words they can then use in class tasks and especially in written work
 •  4* Pupils seem motivated by it and like working through the screens/levels.  They like learning 'hard' words and there is some repetition which is good for learning. 
 •  4* They say good to have lots of non fiction (boys). There’s a lot of topics too. None of children have said anything negative. Neither have their parents. 
 •  4* They like to be able to work independently and are excited to share their new vocabulary with the class and earn house points when they are able to include it in their writing in the correct context


How well does it support planning?
 •  3* I generally use it as an extension activity but rarely as a sole focus within my overall planning. It is a good tool to use if I need to provide cover support
 •  3* It is an add on to our vocabulary work - we do not include it in planning.  The pupils have separate lessons of it and it works well that way.  
 •  4* Good ideas etc but hard to use initially (just finding out how to use & where everything was). Someone more ICT competent probably could access it better than me. 
 •  4* I use it for homework and it links so well with my learning objectives in class to reinforce what we've been studying


What improvements could make this better value for money?
 • 3* If it had extra add-ons it would be very worth the money. Possibly with home learning task if things were more embedded 
 • 5* It is good value for money for what it is. If it wasn't then we would not use it in our school. We have renewed for a few years. 
 • 4* More regional accents in narration but otherwise I think it's great value for money and we see ourselves renewing year on year



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