AccessArt review by George
Date: 22.04.2022
Review rating:
It has some great activities that are creative and have lovely outcomes.
How well does it match the curriculum?
Well: It covers the curriculum as well as we expected
We needed something that could support our planning across the school
How well does it support your school’s inclusion/diversity/equal opportunities policy?
Reasonably: There is some representation of minorities and no real stereotyping
This was not our focus but it is an inclusive programme
How well does it support differentiation for the full range of the classes you use it with?
Brilliantly: There is a wide enough range of resources to provide a good range of options for all pupils
It supports differentiation, although it is mainly differentiation via outcome.
How well does it engage and motivate pupils?
Brilliantly: Pupils love using and are excited when they know they are going to do so
It has a fantastic variation in activities, especially for across the school.
How well supported is it by accompanying formative assessments?
Reasonably: There is some formative assessment included, but its usefulness is a bit limited
They are mostly quite obvious but it is useful for us in terms of formative assessment processes.
How well does it support planning?
Well: It’s fairly self-contained and can be used with minimal preparation
It has a reliable bank of activities that help to support teachers planning even if this is not their specialist area.
How would you rate it for value for money compared to similar resources?
Well: It’s worth the money and effort to introduce – more so than many similar resources I’ve seen.
It provides a good bank of resources for teachers to use as a basis for future planning.
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