Purple Mash review by Alison R
Date: 07.07.2022Review subject: Cross-curricular
Phase: Primary
Reviewer: Alison R, Headteacher
- Urban LA school 170 pupils in Hertfordshire
- Ofsted rating: Good
- FSM: 3.7%
Review rating:
Average rating across all Purple Mash reviews: 4.2/5
An excellent resource that has really supported the development of our curriculum
How well does it match the curriculum?
Well: It covers the curriculum as well as we expected
We found lots of good content for KS1 and 2, but the EYFS was more limited and difficult to differentiate between what would be suitable for Nursery or Reception
How well does it support adaptation for different groups of pupils?
Well: A large majority of resources are suitably differentiated for pupils
A greater range of differentiation for EYFS would be useful to us. Also, some more challenging activities for the top of KS2
How well does it engage and motivate pupils?
Brilliantly: Pupils love using and are excited when they know they are going to do so
They really like the interactive games and are competitive about who can get the highest score/complete the quickest. They also love being able to have work put on the display board to share
How well supported is it by any included formative assessments?
Badly: There isn’t any / enough formative assessment or what there is, isn’t very useful
We haven't found/used any
How well does it support planning?
Brilliantly: It has everything you could need and is straightforward to use with classes
There are different ways to navigate finding the resources you want to support planning. Being able to edit is really useful for meeting individual needs within a class
How well does it support home use / independent learning?
Brilliantly: We’d have very few reservations about using this extensively to support home learning
It is good that activities can be set to be completed at home or at school and the instructions for completing each activity are clear
How would you rate it for value for money compared to similar resources?
Brilliantly: It’s possibly the best value for money of any similar resources I’ve seen
We have found this excellent value for money, especially the training for staff that has been included
Would you recommend it to a colleague in a similar school to yours? 11/11
• Read more Purple Mash reviews
• Read more Cross-curricular curriculum content reviews Net promoter score for this resource: